Be a part of the Project


#kyklosproject, #fortheloveoftheocean, this is a project to reduce plastic waste in the ocean. We work with recycled products and we organize activities to generate consciousness among people and the business community about the importance of keeping our oceans and planet clean.

If you're an ocean lover and want to find ways to learn and help to keep our oceans clean, we recommend these links that will help you find some answers and provide ways to take action.

Here are the best sites we have selected for you to learn how these wonderful institutions are working hard in finding solutions for plastic ocean waste elimination and offering us ways to contribute to serious and proactive projects. 

No mater how small or insignificant your help may appear on a global scale, every little effort and action matters so please visit them and follow your passion for the love of the ocean!!!

The Ocean Cleanup

- Non profit organization that aims to clean up 90% of floating ocean plastic pollution 


- This is a non profit international organization focused solely on oceans, dedicated to achieving measurable change by conducting specific, science-based policy campaigns with fixed deadlines and articulated goals.

The Ocean Conservancy,

-  The Ocean Conservancy works to protect the ocean from today's greatest global challenges. With businesses, people and communities y general they create science-based solutions for a healthy ocean and the wildlife and communities that depend on it.

Project Aware Foundation

-  Project AWARE and PADI share a rich partnership that has been critical to our historical success and organizational growth. Many times, we are confused as one in the same. This is how important our partners are to us - we are co-creators and allies in our daily work. We inspire, inform and provide the tools needed to engage and connect individuals, governments, NGOS, and businesses who share our values and vision for a clean, healthy ocean.


#kyklosproject, #fortheloveoftheocean, this is a project to reduce plastic waste in the ocean. We work with recycled products and we organize activities to generate consciousness among people and the business community about the importance of keeping our oceans and planet clean